by Elizabeth | 24 Sep, 2018
When I published ‘Reading the Slouch’ in April this year, I was overwhelmed by the responses I received from my readers. That article explored the subtle tactics in a controlling relationship and introduced Matt and Claire. So many emails saying “Thank you. I know...
by Elizabeth | 23 Jul, 2018
Conflict makes our world turn, our heads spin, our hearts race and sometimes our hearts break. It is the arc of every story, song, movie and indeed, many of your thoughts. What you rehearse becomes your reality. You are the director, scriptwriter and star of all your...
by Elizabeth | 22 Feb, 2018
Keep your observation objective, remain curious and manage your connection during conflict situations with difficult and controlling people. These 3 skills are the foundations for confidence in highly challenging relationships. Step Back & Observe Everyone...
by Elizabeth | 14 Nov, 2017
I want to talk to you about making love. Not sex but making love happen, in the small and important moments together, so that even when you’re having a difficult discussion or disagreement, you know how to make love happen between you. There is an art and a science to...
by Elizabeth | 7 Sep, 2017
What are the secrets to lasting relationship success? The secret is 6 hours a week. Happy couples consciously devote 6 hours per week to looking after their relationship. It’s like an insurance package for your happiness as a couple. This is how you look after your...
by Elizabeth | 27 Jul, 2017
The Gottman Method Couples Therapy for Healthy Relationships There’s science and art to creating strong, satisfying and lasting relationships. Dr John Gottman’s ground-breaking research shows that to make a relationship last, couples must become better friends, learn...