Here’s to The Best Teacher I’ve Never Met!

Here’s to The Best Teacher I’ve Never Met!

It’s very embarrassing to admit this, but I have been caught out being difficult and demanding. This story reveals an uncomfortable time for me. It was a time that I didn’t always handle stress responsibly. However, sometimes small commonplace events can change your...
The Tip of The Iceberg

The Tip of The Iceberg

One month ago Anthony was excited about his promotion to Head of Business Development, after five years of hard work as Senior Engineer in a management role. It was a big opportunity, significant pay rise and recognition for his hard work and commitment to the...
7 Simple Steps to Living with Purpose

7 Simple Steps to Living with Purpose

What’s your definition of a purposeful life? For me, it’s being able to live my life without the inner conflict that stops me from sharing my personal and professional strengths. It’s the confidence to shine, have some spark and stand up for what’s important. Ending...
Resilience: Step forward into what you really want

Resilience: Step forward into what you really want

Resilience is managing balance: between your stress and fear and finding your creativity and determination. It’s really important that we give ourselves time for the difficult feelings when you’re faced with an ongoing difficulty, or a challenge that sometimes feels...
Confidence Tips that May Surprise You!

Confidence Tips that May Surprise You!

Contrary to popular belief – Confidence is not an emotion.   Confidence is a skill. Like any skill, it takes time and practice to improve…. BUT some people are working on the wrong set of skills   Let’s define it clearly. Confidence is the skill of...