How much Rudeness is Tolerated in Your Workplace?

How much Rudeness is Tolerated in Your Workplace?

Are unnecessary rudeness and uncivil behaviours tolerated in your workplace? Incivility can be defined as mistreatment and behaviours with an ambiguous intent to harm the target that is characteristically rude, discourteous and which violates norms for mutual respect. 

5 Principals for No Fault Discussions

5 Principals for No Fault Discussions

You can create more peace in every conversation you have.
Too often fault and blame about the past gets in the way of successfully resolving conflicts, especially when there is a lot of emotion involved.
Here are five tips to reduce the risk of failing in difficult discussions when you could achieve an outcome that potentially works for everybody.

Irrationally Yours

Irrationally Yours

In the real world, we can all be a little difficult and demanding at times when worried, stressed, or feeling defensive. We can fall victim to our strong reactions, difficult emotions and the subsequent irrational thinking that leads us to be pushy, impatient, or...